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(Bilingual) “欢朋满粤”携手广外留学生探索海珠湿地生物多样性

2024年05月22日 11:41  点击:[]


The UN marks the International Day for Biological Diversity each year on May 22. Recently, twenty-one GDUFS international students from nine countries joined the "GDToday Salon: An Excursion to Haizhu Wetland" to explore the paradise of plants and animals on the central axis of Guangzhou.




The trip started with an introduction to sterculia monosperma, a plant commonly found in southern provinces like Guangdong, whose fruit is renowned for bearing a striking resemblance to the eye of a phoenix. Later, the students learned about different tropical plants along the way to the Nature Education Centre, where they experienced the VR bird-flying simulator.




Burdzel Alena, a student from Belarus, keenly observed the difference between the plants she saw in Haizhu Wetland and those in her homeland. "Here (Guangzhou) it's mostly a tropical climate, and many of the plants that can grow here actually can't grow in Belarus," she said and later added that some of the plants in Haizhu Wetland were what she would plant in the summer cottage back home.


Herons in Haizhu Wetland, a photo by Alwin, a student from Indonesia


On a cruise ship, the students approached the island of birds in Haizhu Lake. Herons and egrets, flying above or resting on the woods, drew the attention of the students and were recorded in their photos.


Fong He Zhan Lin, a student from Venezuela, praised the work that Haizhu Wetland has done in educating the public about wildlife, such as birds, insects, and plants. However, he noted that the protection of nature and biological diversity should not only concern a single organization, enterprise, or country, but should be the responsibility of everyone who lives on the same planet.


Inaugurated in 2015 as Guangzhou's first national wetland park, Haizhu Wetland has since developed into a vibrant ecosystem within the bustling city of Guangzhou. Home to an impressive array of wildlife, the park is home to 197 species of birds, 835 species of vascular plants, and 738 species of insects.

For years, Haizhu Wetland has been promoting nature education among local schools, communities, and enterprises. As of today, it has organized over 3,000 educational events, drawing more than a million annual participants.

GDToday记者 陈思媛 秦少龙

编辑 邓素凡

校对 钟惠玲

Reporter | Chen Siyuan

Editor | Nan, James

Video | Qin Shaolong

Photo | Qin Shaolong, Alwin


上一条:国际学生共庆汉语嘉年华 下一条:我校师生参加全球青少年模拟世界遗产大会活动


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