由中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会、联合国教科文组织驻华代表处指导,中国教育国际交流协会主办,九江市教育局、庐山世界遗产管理委员会共同承办的“体验九江庐山 知行中国”全球青少年模拟世界遗产大会活动于4月17日至22日在江西九江和庐山举办。我校英语教育学院团委书记刘博洋、外籍留学生茱莉(ETOMEA JULIE)、达娜(IZOTOVA DANA),中国籍学生陈慧珊、陈晓婕、陈嘉华、胡秋琳、王毅昂参与本次活动。

活动分为两个阶段。4月17日至19日,各国青年代表在九江城区漫步长江国家文化公园,参观琵琶亭、浔阳楼、九江两河地下水质净化厂、九江市国土空间规划馆,体验茶园采茶、手工制茶、景泰蓝工艺品制作、扎染等非遗项目。我校外籍留学生茱莉(ETOMEA JULIE)和达娜(IZOTOVA DANA)通过亲身体验现场制茶流程,耐心制作景泰蓝工艺品,认真学习扎染工艺步骤,进一步感受到非遗文化的丰厚底蕴、体验中华文化的独特魅力,了解中国社会的高质量发展,在交流和分享中收获良多。




我校留学生茱莉(ETOMEA JULIE)与联合国教科文组织驻华代表处代表夏泽翰(Professor Shahbaz Khan)合影留念
Attending the Global Youth Education Program challenged my initial thinkig of only engaging in activities directly related to my field of study (International Business) for career development. Instead, the program broadened my perspective, emphasizing the importance of gaining knowledge across various disciplines to better understand the world. During the 5-day trip, I had the opportunity to have a face-to-face conversation with Professor Shabbaz Khan, who shared inspiring experiences and advised me to prioritize education and challenge myself to achieve my goals.
Throughout the trip, I immersed myself in learning about China's rich history, culture, and development, including poetry, classical novels, tea culture, and technological advancements such as hydro-clean water systems and digital sustainble applications. Exploring the beautiful scenery in Lushan was a highlight. The presentations and workshops provided valuable insights, particularly on preserving world heritage sites, both tangible and intangible. The innovative digital sustainable technology implemented in Lushan, which monitors real-time data to manage visitor traffic and prevent overcrowding as well as damages, is truly mindblowing. It highlights China's dedication to preserving its cultural heritage both domestically and internationally by aiding in the restoration of cultural sites in various countries. Preserving our environment and heritages isn't solely the responsibility of governmental organizations or NGOs; individuals can also play a role in safeguarding our cultural identity for future generations to cherish. My sincere gratitude to the organizers and all involved in this program, looking forward to participate in similar initiatives in the future.
校团委学生骨干 陈慧珊
It was an amazing journey. I learned a lot about the history and culture of China, in particular about Jiujiang and Mount Lushan. I got to know different sides of the city, such as culture, art, technology and ecology. And in Lushan, I learned a lot about one of the World Heritage sites. I also learned a lot of new information about the famous poet Bai Juyi. In addition, I learned a lot about other World Heritage sites, as well as about measures to protect and promote them. It was a very instructive and exciting trip. I am very grateful that I was able to take part in it.
校团委学生骨干 王毅昂