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2018年11月06日 19:43  点击:[]

2019年春季学历生报名截止至2018123可报名专业:汉语言专业本科一年级、汉语言专业本科二年级、汉语言(商务汉语)专业本科三年级。请国际学生请及时登录我校官方网站 http://gdufs.17gz.org/ 完成报名。详细报名细则请咨询留学生教育学院招生办公室,地点:广外七教102办公室;联系电话:0086-20-36207141, 36207142;E-mail:studyiniie@gdufs.edu.cn








(1)High School certificate and transcript (notarized Chinese or English version must be provided instead of other foreign languages);

(2)For applicants of Chinese (Business Chinese from the third year) -- photocopyofNew HSK 5 Certificate with score 180 or above;

     For applicants of Chinese B.A. Program (from the second year) -- photocopy of New HSK 4 Certificate with score 180 or above;

     For applicants of Chinese B.A. Program (from the first year) -- HSK certificate is not required but applicants should not be beginners of Chinese language;

(3)Photocopy of passport main page and *Chinese visa page (if have), and an 1-inch digital bareheaded colorized photo.

 Application for 2019 spring enrollment of degree programs is accepted until December 3, 2018. Those who would like to take Chinese B.A Program ( from the first year ), Chinese B.A Program ( from the second year ) and Chinese ( Business Chinese, from the third year ) please sign in to the official website https://gdufs.17gz.org/ before the due date to submit online application. For more details please contact with the IIE Admission Office ( Address: No.7TH Academic Building Office 102, GDUFS; Contacts: 0086-20-36207141, 36207142; E-mail: studyiniie@gdufs.edu.cn )








(1)High School certificate and transcript (notarized Chinese or English version must be provided instead of other foreign languages);

(2)For applicants of Chinese (Business Chinese from the third year) -- photocopyofNew HSK 5 Certificate with score 180 or above;

          For applicants of Chinese B.A. Program (from the second year) -- photocopy of New HSK 4 Certificate with score 180 or above;

          For applicants of Chinese B.A. Program (from the first year) -- HSK certificate is not required but applicants should not be beginners of Chinese language;

(3)Photocopy of passport main page and *Chinese visa page (if have), and an 1-inch digital bareheaded colorized photo.


上一条:2019年寒假汉语培训班招生简章 下一条:2018年广外外国留学生奖学金获奖名单( 公示 )


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Enrollment Enquiry and Project Management  Tel: +86-20-36207141,+86-20-36207142

HSK Enquiry and Academics and Examination Affairs  Tel: +86-20-36206282

Student Affairs  Tel: +86-20-36206067E-mail: iie@gdufs.edu.cn

Address: Institute for International Education Guangdong University of Foreign Studies , No.2 North Baiyun Avenue, Guangzhou , Guangdong, P.R.China 510420