外 国 留 学 生 入 学 申 请 表
姓名 | 护照 In Passport | 国籍 Nationality | 3张照片 3 Photos (学历生7张照片 7 photos for degree students) |
Full Name | 中文 In Chinese | |
出生日期 年 月 日 Date of Birth Year Month Day | 出生地点 Place of Birth |
性别: □男 □女 Sex Male Female | 宗教 Religion | 健康状况 State ofHealth |
婚姻状况: □已婚 □未婚 Marital Status Married Single | 现在职业 Profession | 最高学历 Highest Educational Diploma |
专业 Major | 护照号码 Passport No. | 护照有效期至 年 月 日 Valid until Yr Mo. Day |
来华签证:类别Type of Visa: □L □F □居留许可Resident permit, 停留期限 Duration of Stay: 年Yr 月Mo. 日Day | 号码 No. |
拟办签证:类别Applying the visa: □F □居留许可Resident permit, 停留期限Duration of Stay: 年Yr 月Mo. 日Day | 号码 No. |
所在国永久住址和电话 Permanent Add & Tel. in Mother Country |
目前住址 Current Add & Tel. |
广州联系电话 Tel inGuangzhou | 广州传真 Fax inGuangzhou | E-mail |
目前汉语水平 □_____班 □无 □初级 □中级 □高级 HSK水平______级 Present Chinese Level class______ None Elementary Intermediate Advanced HSK level _______ |
学习目的 Aim of study | □攻读学位degree □工作work □经商business |
学习计划 Study plan | 汉语学习 □一个月 □2个月 □1学期 □1年 □ 年 Chinese study 1 month 2 month 1 term 1 year years □本科班 □硕士研究生 □博士研究生 Undergraduate Postgraduate PhD |
汉语学习拟分班 Chinese study Class | 拟学专业(报本科和研究生的填写) Intended Major (For Undergrad and Postgrad) | 所在学院Faculty | 备注Remarks |
学习期限 从 年 月 日—— 年 月 日 Plan to Study From Yr. Mo. Day —— Yr. Mo. Day |
申请人签名 Signature | 申请时间 Date |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(备注:请附护照及签证复印件 passport copy and visa copy enclosed.)
地址:中国广东省广州市白云大道北2号广东外语外贸大学北门第七教学楼102室 邮编: 510420 | |
Add: Institute for International Education,GuangdongUniversityof Foreign Studies Guangzhou,Guangdong, P.R. China Zip code: 510420 |
Tel:0086-20-36207141 or 36207142 HSK Hotline:0086-20-36206282 Fax:0086-20-36209309 E-mail:gpdwhy@mail.gdufs.edu.cn studyingw@yahoo.cn | |
| | |
Web:http:// www2.gdufs.edu.cn/dwhy http://w
一、2012-2013年外国留学生招生计划 (PROGRAMS 2012-2013) |
学习期限 Session | 周数 | 学费(人民币) | 课程说明 ( Class Description ) |
(Year / Month / Day) | Weeks | Tuition(RMB¥) |
2012. 8. 30 —— 12. 28 | 18 | 8600 | 开设各个级别的班 |
2012. 11. 2 —— 12. 28 | 8 | 4700 | 开设各个级别的班 |
2013. 1. 4 —— 2. 1 | 4 | 2600 | 开设零起点、初级和中级班 |
2013. 2. 21 —— 6. 28 | 18 | 8600 | 开设各个级别的班 |
2013. 5. 6 —— 6. 28 | 8 | 4700 | 开设各个级别的班 |
2013. 7. 12 —— 8. 9 | 4 | 2600 | 开设各个级别的班 |
2013.8. 29 —— 12. 27 | 18 | 8600 | 开设各个级别的班 |
2013.11. 1 —— 12. 27 | 8 | 4700 | 开设各个级别的班 |
备注: 1. 第一次报名入学需交500元报名费(1个月的短期班报名费300元) 2. 所交学费自开学之日起不予退还,开学前退80%。报名费不予退还。 Notes: 1. Application Fee: RMB 500 (RMB 300 for 4-Week Short Term Course) 2. The application fee is non-refundable. 80% refund of tuition fees before first day of class; no refund once class starts. |
□ 双人间Double room: 4000元/学期/床(/semester/bed),1000元/月/床(/month/bed)
□ 四人间4 persons room:1800元/学期/床(/semester/bed),450元/月/床(/month/bed)
每层楼设有公用厨房、洗衣房供学生免费使用。Use of laundry and kitchen are free.
水电费、网络费另计。Water、Electricity and Internet fees excluded.
床上用品学生自己购买。students buy beddings for themselves.
1.留学生应详细阅读并遵守我校的“留学生公寓管理条例”,并按“收费标准”支付各项住宿费用。同时签署“承诺书”。Students should abide by related rules and regulations for residence hall and pay due fees in line with “Room Rates”, and sign “Letter of Security Commitment” as well.
2.学历生和交换生按学期支付住宿费,语言生可选择按学期或按月支付。住宿费一经支付均不退还。Degree students and exchange students must pay the dormitory by semester and language students by either semester or month. No refund as they are paid.
网络:开通费30元,月租金30元。需要开通网络者到公寓服务台申请并交费,同时交护照复印件1份。48小时内可以开通。Deposit: RMB 100, which is refundable after check-out; Water and electricity fees: RMB 400 is charged in advance, extra cost should be paid for at the end of the semester if the actual costs exceed RMB 400; Internet:RMB 30 for application; rental is RMB 30/ month. The application form and fees are paid at the reception desk of the dormitory.
4.欲续住的学生应于课程结束前两周内到公寓服务台续交住宿费,先到先得。Keep-on-study students must pay the dormitory 2 weeks before the semester finished. Accomodation booking: First come, first served.
三、推荐单位Recommended by:___________________________________ 签名:______________________
联系电话Tel:___________________________________ EMAIL:___________________________________
I hereby affirm that all the information given in this form is true and correct. I shall abide by the regulations of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies during my study here.
申请人签名Signature of Applicant:_____________________________ 日期Date:___________________
(无此签名,申请无效The application is invalid without signature)